Need to install 

a heating system in Outaouais?

Contact Le Groupe Technair in Gatineau!

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Consult Le Groupe Technair’s team to purchase or install a quality heating system in Outaouais

Le Groupe Technair offers reliable and durable heating systems to general contractors in Gatineau and throughout the Outaouais region. With a wide variety of products to choose from including furnaces and natural gas fireplaces from reputable brands you know and trust in Gatineau, Le Groupe Technair’s systems are guaranteed to be efficient and sustainable.

For more details, click here


Accreditations & partners

Régie du bâtiment du Québec
Corporation des maîtres mécaniciens en tuyauterie du Québec
Novo Climat
Comission de la construction du Québec
Office de la protection du consommateur du Québec

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